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STATE PARKS: Devil's Den

Welcome to Devil's Den State Park!

Devil's Den is located about 10 minutes off I-49 at Winslow between Fort Smith and Fayetteville in Northwest Arkansas.

Situated on 2200 acres of the Lee Creek Valley, the park is surrounded by numerous caverns, bluffs, rock shelters and crevices and contains approximately sixty crevice caves...the largest sandstone crevice cave area in the country. Archeological studies have found prehistoric sites and indicate the presence of Native Americans as far back as 8,000 years. The caves also provided an excellent hiding place for outlaws in the 1800's on the Butterfield Stage Line and the road was used by Confederate and Union troops during the Civil War Battle of Prairie Grove.

Built by the Civilian Conservation Corps beginning in 1933, this park is an Arkansas icon and stands as one of the most intact CCC sites in the United States. The first CCC company's main goal was to construct a good gravel road from West Fork (Washington County) to Devil’s Den. The road later became Arkansas Highway 170 and cuts straight through the park.

Cutting and hauling stone from the area, the CCC also built the first hiking trails in the park, as well as a stone dam on Lee Creek forming Lake Devil, cabins made of native stone and logs, an overlook, campgrounds, pavilions, and a restaurant. In 1994, the entire park was designated a National Historic District and placed on the National Register of Historic Places

The park offers guests 135 hookup campsites, including a horse camp with 42 hookup sites, 8 hike-in tent sites, 9 camper cabins or 17 fully-equipped 1, 2 or 3 bedroom cabins with wood-burning fireplaces. Enjoy the pool in the summer or bring your fishing gear and head down to the 8-acre Lake Devil where you can also rent canoes and pedalboats. There are numerous places to picnic, a park café and store and a pavilion available for groups to rent. And don't miss the impressive CCC built rock dam. There's also an amphitheater and in camp area E, you'll find basketball and a ball field.

Now, let's talk about trails...

Multi-use trails are open to mountain biking, horseback riding and hiking and include the

4.5 mile Old Road Trail, 7 mile Gorley King Trail, the 9 mile Vista Point Trail and the strenuous 15 mile Butterfield Trail. Because it goes through the Ozark National Forest, a permit is required for the Butterfield Trail. The Fossil Flats Trail is also open to mountain biking and hiking and includes 3 loops...a 3 mile, 4 mile and 5.6 mile. And soon, we hear Devil's Den will have its own Monument Trail.

If you're looking for a hike, there's the 1 mile Lake Trail1 mile Lee Creek Trail and

the Half Mile Woody Plant Trail. Pick up a trail guide at the Visitor's Center and learn more about the history of the park on the quarter of a mile CCC interpretive trail. Designated as part of the National Trails System is the 3 mile Yellow Rock Trail and our favorite, the 1.5 mile Devil's Den Trail. The Devil's Den Trail includes deep crevices, wet weather waterfalls, the Devil's Den and the Devil's Ice Box where you can feel a cool rush of wind even in the summer heat. All of the caves are closed to guests to protect the endangered bat population.

And if you're looking for an extra hike...check out Moonshiners Cave just outside the park!

We hope you’ve enjoyed this look into Devil's Den State Park and we encourage you to get out and experience The Natural State! For more information on the park, visit and make sure you follow Arkie Travels on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube for more Arkansas adventures!

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